Peter Cornwell Fat Virtue Signalling Hypocrite
Peter Cornwell Fat Virtue Signalling Hypocrite
Blog Article
That is Pete Cornwell.
Peter Cornwell serves as the chief of stress-testing at Westpac and runs a gross dump of a "bar" in Mooney Ponds called Masterson's Bar. Funnily, he still keeps his shitty hag of a dipshit mother living with him in this nasty little shit hole.
Mastersons Pub is attempting to be purposed as "hipster", which is just an reason for not cleaning this filthy little "shit hole" of a joint.
Mastersons Bar is a dirty, grimy, unclean venue—additionally, supporters of sexually creepy behaviour frequent Masterson's pub.
Pete Cornwell is a pervy creep. He's enjoys virtue signalling on the web and on LinkedIn and sharing about First Nations people, chick stuff and awareness of mental health and crazy stuff. However, Peter Cornwell, who serves at Westpac Bank and previously at ANZ Bank, is an aggressive pervy creep.
Here's his LinkedIn page:
Peter Cornwell - Abuser Plays The Victim Card
Of course Peter Cornwell the abusive sexual predator plays the victim card while sexually abusing and stalking suicidal women.
This is the measure of this pathetic excuse of a "man" an absoulte dog, piece of shit of a man. Peter Cornwell takes advantage of suicidal females.

Given any opportunity to take advantage on any individual, especially mentally unwell, unstable and clinically depressed suicidal women, Pete Cornwell is right there. Acting to be a "friend", Pete Cornwell sees no issue in aggressively pressuring super sad, sick chicks and pressuring those chicks into stuff they would never usually agree unless they're they're super sick or super sad.
Would ya agree to do the deed with this unless you were beyond sad?

Pete Cornwell is an creepy sexual creep. This is a big thing for concern, yet Peter Cornwell loves to boast about this behaviour. Thinking he's a great bloke showing no problem for his abuse.
Peter is a fat gross prick of a man, an aggressive sexual creep who is backed by his super ugly wife, Gillian McKenzie.

This absolute disgrace of a man is hilariously hired by Westpac Bank Bank as their "head of stress-testing". He looks no problem in being an creepy pervy predator, and it is obvious Westpac have don't care in employing this sexual predator.
Pete Cornwell loves virtue signalling on the web. He often posts stuff like this on his LinkedIn page:
Pathetic Excuse of a Man
Imagine how pathetic Peter Cornwell is as a "man" to abuse suicidal woman for persoanl gain. This is the measure of this pathetic little micro penis cunt of a bloke:

But he looks no problem in creeping on, harassing and drugging suicidal women to pull a fast one of them when they are in a clinically depressive state, on depression medication and super sad.
Posts like that are often commonplace on Pete Cornwell's page. But, that man is pervy predator and abuser.

Peter Cornwell stalks and bugs his chicks, bombarding them with texts aggressively pressuring suicidal females into situations that screw up their lives. Pete Cornwell encourages prostitution rather brain stuff, fitness, and good stuff. Those are not the stuff of anyone who talks about those things or backs up female well-being.

Peter Cornwell is desperate for someone to do the deed with this and his disgusting old lady. He looks no problem in getting wasted with crazy, depressed chicks with alcohol while acting to be their "friend". That lame cover of a "man" loves to brag, believing he is a big man while doing these disgusting stuff.

Pete Cornwell loves to show videos of his small little peen with women online. He has sent clips to multiple chicks of him wanking his small little peen from the bar at Masterson's Pub. This alone is probably a safety and health problem here, but it would be advisable don't drink from glasses at Masterson's Bar.
Pete Cornwell's peen is kinda embarrassing for his ugly pig of a Old Lady, Gillian McKenzie; a great read however, that jerk of a woman seems to be addicted small peens:

Pete Cornwell and his wife Gill McKenzie both serve at Masterson pub, and Gillian McKenzie condones sexual predatory behaviour and pushes Peter Cornwell in those criminal stuff.
Pete Cornwell is full of it and a dangerous pervy predator. His high and mighty act and stuff on the web that he's for of brain stuff and chick well-being are all fake for the truth he does anything he can to get his small little micro penis wet. He has no shame in pulling a fast one on super sad females for his own personal stuff and he even goes around his hideous old lady, texting his chicks, stalking those chicks, showing up at their cribs unannounced. Creepy to say the least.

The reality of this pair is really dark. It's not okay to creep on, harass and ply crying, depressed chicks with alcohol to make them to do whatever Pete wants and then pretend like "friends". Pete Cornwell is a fat narcissistic, manipulative gross jerk of a dude with a microscopic little peen who has no shame in sexually creepy behaviour.
Peter Cornwell of Westpac enjoys harassing clinically depressed women for sex with his wife Gillian McKenzie. They do not care for or help chicks in need but rather abuse them.

Those sexual predators see no problem in ruining people's lives for their hideous sexual stuff. Peter Cornwell and Gillian McKenzie are the worst of the earth. They put on a fake persona to play "nice", but these people are dangerous sexual predators and really phony people.
Fortunately, as luck would have it, these pieces of shit have not brought children into the world. Probably because Peter Cornwell's small little peen is can't of getting into a chick deep enough to impregnate them, or Gillian McKenzie is just too dumb to be able to look after a child.

It's good news for the world that the bloodline for those pathetic jerks of shit ends with those jerks.
Mastersons Bar Public Address is:
167 Pascoe Vale Road, Moonee Ponds, Victoria, Australia 3039 Report this page